The Vision Center Church of All Nations was established in 2010 by Apostle and Deliverance Minister,Pastor Dwayne Fuller under the instruction of the Holy Ghost. It was initiated by God when he appeared to and mandated that Apostle Fuller “preach, teach, and raise up churches”.
Accredited by signs, miracles and supernatural power; it is a place where God’s presence is felt andpersons traverse to and fro to receive salvation, God’s healing and deliverance.
It is a Church of living stones, where devotion and praise to God takes pre-eminence. It is anenvironment of prayer, where one is ushered into the presence of God, re-living the ambience ofPentecostal praise. Surely God’s goodness is geared towards mankind and each soul emerges refreshedand revitalized by God’s love, power and the Holy Ghost.
Vision Center Church of All Nations is a church planting movement geared to reach the lost with thepower of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
“Thy Kingdom Come ….with Power”